Now Available:
A Poetic Memoir
Roger Darnell
One man’s quest to use his writing talent to achieve greatness. Despite most objectives being beyond reach, this story of perseverance and evolving personal values pays off, introducing the author to legendary author Charles Bukowski and a Who’s Who of iconic film and television industry stars along the way. An inspiring read for all creative writers, with insights and ideas for living and writing profoundly.
As setbacks, near-misses, and moonshots accrue, his vision sharpens … leading to unexpected payoffs sure to inspire everyone who dares to dream big.

“To aiming high, stopping to smell the flowers, and sharing the gifts of life with loved ones and others we meet along the way.”
Foreword by Leslie “Jinx” Caulfield
Revered Central Florida theatre teacher and director whose career has also included vast hands-on experiences as writer, artist, sound designer, actor, theatre techie, teacher … and always a student. See excerpt below.
About the author
Author, communications consultant, publisher, and career guide Roger Darnell is already central to billions of positive media impressions worldwide. His ambitious collaborations with entrepreneurs and media luminaries continue soaring to new heights.
Scott Darnell
Who is not delighted when finding strong words and sentiments from our youth – to help gauge before and after, to reinforce our paths, to reassure our personal direction? I am amazed at Roger’s ability to consider these things and follow the play: To allow pluses and minuses to add flavor to the game! I am completely enamored with the thought of my brother at the beginning of this journey facing off with my brother who wrapped this project. I can picture their grins and joy quite clearly.
Co-Founder and CEO, Words in the Right Order
Claudia Kienzle
Roger takes us along on his life’s journey as he pursues and succeeds at living his dream as a creative writer of poems, TV/movie screenplays, and PR marketing communications. As an industry mentor, Roger’s book also provides a rich blueprint illuminating the way for aspiring freelance writers. While professional writing has brought him financial gains and fulfillment, the book conveys how writing is his passion and art, and something he’s driven to do to connect with others and for the good of his soul.”
Katrina Cummings Stoll
In Roger Darnell’s Arc of the Poet, I really enjoyed the connection to his family and how being exposed to having a writer in his family moved him to write. I feel like people like myself who do not write consistently must miss out on a lot of good memories. Readers are sure to enjoy exposure to Roger’s poetry, and hopefully the notion that writing as a practice helps keep us connected to our own lives . . . and in looking back, the history that exists within each of us.
Communication Goddess
Katherine Bacon
Roger Darnell has captured a way to share his personal childhood memories while sparking in each reader their own. His latest effort is a delightful use of poetry as a vehicle to tell a coming-of-age story.
Osceola Florida District Teacher of the Year
Coach Ralph Barrett
Darnell guides us through a fascinating life of someone who had but one burning desire: to be a published writer. Undeniably, he proves that perseverance pays. Enjoy going on this journey from wannabe author to accomplished creator of the written word.
CEO, Priya PR, Inc.
Michele Kumar
For anyone who’s ever doubted themselves or questioned their purpose in life, Roger reminds us of just how far the discipline of tenacity can take you. His journey is one of constant discovery, vulnerability, and being shared through tender prose and stories of a life richly lived
Creative Producer
Timothy Steinouer
Every poem tells a story, and in this case Roger’s timely poetry accompanies the narrative of his personal and professional journey. The poetry offers an emotional insight to events in his life while also showing his growth as a writer over time
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
Joan Zimmerman
Our dreams rarely look the way we thought they would. Roger shows us a beautiful example of honoring, embracing, nurturing, and celebrating the dream that is.
Chenoa Lombardy-Carver
As I read Arc of the Poet I found myself relating to multiple experiences. Before I knew it, I started to go down my own memory lane, and rushing to get to the next chapter to read the next poem. I look forward to reading it again!
Dick Wilson
Writers, or aspiring writers of any variety, will draw encouragement, inspiration and insights from Roger Darnell’s Arc of the Poet. Tracing his journey through the many diverse realms of creative writing, some of which paid the bills while others fed the soul, this book shines a light on what it means to be a poet, a working professional and a family man as well. Buy it; read it. You’ll learn a bit about Roger and probably yourself as well. And you’ll get to read some really fine poetry!
Assistant Teaching Professor, Penn State University
Dr. John Minbiole
For those who are staking out their own journeys in the creative-industrial complex, this book is for you. Roger shows how someone with the soul of an artist can successfully and confidently navigate that world, and at the same time displays his own considerable artistic talents. The book also shows another side of the ‘industry’ – one that includes people who care very much about art and soul, who respect and highly appreciate the extraordinary courage of poets and artists everywhere.
U.S. Air Force Reserve (Retired)
Lt. Colonel Thomas Gammon
Having known Roger Darnell from our U.S. Air Force Reserve time together, I had to reflect on how reading his Arc of the Poet was a testament to all three of the Air Force values of integrity, service and excellence that he and I as airmen adhered to during our time in service. I saw clearly in his memoir how his integrity never wavered regardless of the literary rejections he received. I was moved by Roger’s firm adherence to his moral and artistic values that were so evident in his words. With that said, I salute him for this moving memoir.
Winner: 2023 Literary Titan Book Award
“Without a doubt the most sensitive, visually artistic piece of literature I’ve read in years.”
“Roger shows us a beautiful example of honoring, embracing, nurturing, and celebrating the dream that is.”
Media coverage
Courtesy of The Darnell Works Agency
Foreword by Leslie “Jinx” Caulfield (Excerpt)
… Roger’s prose flows easily throughout. His poetry is purposeful and imaginative. There is even a wonderful exercise for budding and advanced poets and writers. Roger calls it Ramble. Kerouac talks about life on the road and leaving friends behind for new adventures. He describes this experience as looking in the rear view mirror as he pulls away and everyone getting smaller and smaller until they disappear and it’s time to look forward again. Ramble is a bit like that and Roger’s writings remind me that life is temporary as are all things – and details become more beautiful and profound when viewed through the eyes of a poet.